Hot Sand And Burnign Hearts

With Mr. von H. to the Schlangenberg

A Motorbike Journey Through Russia

The first part of the journey has been completed successfully, mission accomplished!

After approx. 11.000 kilometers the motorbikers arrived back in Germany on August 13th 2010.

DVD trailer

We, two filmmakers from Berlin, are riding the same route Alexander von Humboldt travelled 1829 on his expedition through Russia on our motorcycles. We want to experience the myth of Russia while documenting it with our cameras.

The adventure does not only start with departure. We decided to travel with our used KTM LC4. Besides our personal belongings, tents and sleeping bags we had to transport the entire camera equipment on our bikes.

The plan is a DVD trilogy with many small, personal and disputatious stories from Russia old and new. Of course the trilogy deals with the journey on two motorbikes through one of the world's most peculiar and beautiful landscapes: Siberia.

The filmmakers Andreas Bernhardt and Alexander Krause report about the first part of their journey and their experiences on their blog.

In February 2011 the first DVD will be released. The second tour will begin in the middle of July 2011: another 10.000 kilometers starting in Ekaterinburg to the Chinese border and onto the Caspian Sea.
